Link of the Month:
Core Sample, Win Bent's latest CD!

eBay-related links

If you've found your way here, chances are that you know how active I am on eBay, and in particular on their Comics Chat board (I also occasionally post on the Threaded Board, and I contributed to our FAQ). You may also know that I'm a computer professional, so I've done a fair amount of Perl scripting and HTML hacking and all that... here are some of the results.
Been There, Done That!
Been to a con, lately? They're fun, both for the comics and the people! I've been thrilled to meet fellow Boarders (and buy comics and stuff) at various and sundry cons; this year I'm planning to attend...
» Chicago Comicfest Mar or Apr, 2006 (maybe)
» Pittsburgh Comicon Apr 21-23, 2006
» San Diego Comic-Con July 20-23, 2006 (either SD or WW-Chi)
» Wizard World Chicago August 3-6, 2006 (see above)
» Wizard World TEXAS!!! Nov 10-12, 2006
» Mid-Ohio-Con Columbus Nov 25-26, 2006
Negs and Neutrals
Even the best of us have a couple "glitches" in our feedback - and the worst of us have a lot! This tool lets you see them, and lets you see what a user has said about others.
New in 2004: Mutual, a tool to let you see feedback which two users have left for each other!
Search Tools
Now you, too, can come up with Web-based trivia as fast as The Expert! Amaze your friends! Confound your enemies! Waste bandwidth!
Sep 12 2004 searchers.html
The Roll Call has been removed.
But, for the sake of history, here's a favorite from 2002:
How often have you wondered - Which eBay Comics Chat Board Member are you?
Oct 26 2002 boardquiz.html
Decision 2003: The Board Mascot
If you visited the Chat Board in February, then you heard about The eBay Comic Chat Board 2003 Mascot ElectionTM, right? Well, here are the Official Results, as of Feb-16-03 at 12:55:28 PST!
» Compare them to results from 2002 and 2001.
Feb 16 2003 election.html
Feb 17 2002 election2002.html
Feb 18 2001 election2001.html
Sure, you probably know how to do colored fonts, but do you know what they'll look like on a black background? How about on a grey or white background?
Jun 25 1999 fontcolor.html
The Six Degrees of whbjr
So it's quite out of date - this is still a good indication of the way the Board Members have crossed the line from the cyber world into the real world!
Aug 23 2001 sixdeg.html
The ellegon 4k Pool
On Aug 8, 2001, we celebrated the birth of ellegon's son, David Thomas Wood, whose arrival was greatly anticipated by all participants in the baby pool! (The "4k" part refers to the fact that it's Ted and Deb's 4th kid, but also harkens back to The Buster44 4000 Pool of August 1999.)
Aug 08 2001 e4k.html
Sep 27 1999 pool.html
Collecting Comics: A collection of essays
In Sep 2000, Tony Hyman did a short piece for CBS News on comic collecting, and several of us thought it left room for improvement. Compare his and ours, and let us know what you think!
Sep 04 2000 busting-hyman.html
Win shaved!
How long did it take to grow that thing? Now we know! It takes one year for a Rabid Badger to reach maturity, as my chin can attest!
May 30 2002 shaved.html
3 Works
I don't claim to be a writer, but... I know, these aren't eBay-related. So sue me.
Sep 04 1999 3works.html
About Me, at eBay and mine
Because I'm sure you're just dying to read even more about ME!
Last modified $Date: 2006/01/02 21:07:31 $