Stormy, Wetter - My home state of Texas has been in drought conditions for years - Moderate, Severe, Extreme, Exceptional, we've see it all. But we've also seen rain and floods, and while I was working on this sonic collection, we had too much rain in this part of the state (Google: Wimberley flood 2015). Closer to home, the wet weather creek on our property was flowing quite nicely, and I took a nice, artsy photo of it, as seen on the album cover.
As I was saying, I've crafted another album's worth of music.
Ambient and electronic, but compared with the previous album,
it leans a bit more to droning.
Musically, this collection runs the gamut from A to B-and-a-half.
Ethereal Ambient tones are here, as are noisy guitars over an
ethereal ambient background. Free-verse piano dances across a
space-filling background. Chimes fill a cathedral-like space.
A classical composition turns into dense walls of sound.
All instrumental, and only one tune has an identifiable beat, where
New Age guitars play in a candle-lit cabin. And yes, sounds from
nature provide a melody.
For those of you who still buy CDs, we'd love to sell you one; for those more
inclined toward downloaded music, we've got tracks available, too.
Whichever you choose - and we encourage you to choose both! - these recordings
are available online, as befits any
21st-century music. Thanks in advance for giving it/them a listen!
Above paragraph copied word-for-word from
the previous album's page.
Also known as "the previous album,"
Wet Weather Creek is
calm (mostly), electronic (mostly), ambient (mostly), beatless (mostly),
instrumental (mostly) music (totally) inspired by windchimes, which are
prominently featured throughout.
A friend of mine listened to a couple of tracks, and said "I feel like
I should be getting a massage!"
Released in 2011, we'd be happy to sell you a copy, or you can head over to
where you can listen for free
(the whole thing, not just samples), and
they've got downloadable tracks, the entire bargain-priced digital album,
or the beautifully-packaged CD.
Naturally, we'd love to sell you a copy of
this CD...
but as of mid-2012, we're sold out. It was an extremely small print run.
However, take a look on
where you can listen for free
(the whole thing, not just samples), and
they've got downloadable tracks, the entire bargain-priced digital album,
or the inflated-price custom CD.
For more information, or just because you want to share the love, send us mail!
© 2015 Win Bent
All rights reserved.