Information - A random and too-long collection of tidbits about the songs and the recordings.
Bent Sound Research Studios
1985 - 1992: Four-track recorder in the spare room in the NJ attic.
1992 - 1994: Four-track recorder in the corner of the Culver City condo.
1994 - 1995: Eight-track recorder, same place in Culver City.
1996 - present: Eight-track recorder in the bedroom in Austin.
Bent Sound Research: Sound advice for over thirty years!
The Land Between The Rivers Band played an especially good show in the spring of 1991, and a friend in the audience said "I hope you recorded that!" Of course, the answer was "No," but the comment lit a fire under me, so I convinced the band, found a studio (Shorefire, Long Branch, NJ), scheduled time for us, selected the songs... I guess that made me the producer.
On Problem, the credits say "Yamaha PSR-225GM, drums." That means I used a preset beat on that device - I can't claim credit for setting a tempo and pressing the "Go" button. Other tracks have drum-like sounds played on the Yamaha, but it's my handiwork creating the part, sad to say.
If the credits don't say when the song was recorded, that means it was recorded as soon as possible after it was written.
Sharp listeners will note that People Wonder Why was done in two takes. Ten bucks goes to the first person to tell me exactly where the splice between takes happens.
The days are weak, but the nights are ours - Dang, I love that line. Say it out loud. "D Y-N S X-L-N"
Geoff Plank took the photo of me in the lake in August, 2005. I'm sure you all want to see the original!
Austin recordings made under the auspices of
Vinnie, the Studio Cat.
Want to know more? Send us mail!
© Copyright 2006 Win Bent
All rights reserved.